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Attending opera in Sydney

Updated: Aug 16, 2018

Beginning of April we ordered tickets for Rigoletto in the Joan Sutherland Theatre in Sydney Opera House. As the tickets are quite expensive we decided for mid price seats A41 and A42 in loge for just 161 AUD each, which equals about 100 Euro.

During the walk to opera house.

Last Wednesday the long expected performance took place. As we stayed close to Circular Quay we had a nice and easy walk to the opera house. Once we entered the magic building it wasn't so magic any more. From inside it appears different. The floors and lounges are modern and not spectacular at all. Unfair comparison for example with Semper Opera in Dresden.

Nevertheless we had a drink and enjoyed the night view of Sydney before entering the concert hall.

View from inside towards Harbour Bridge.

The seats were nice. A bit far but still nice. We enjoyed the performance and the big star of the evening was the replacement tenor performing the duke. The starter had to resign after the first act due to a cold. So a new one flew in and got almost standing ovation because he did quite well without any preparation time.

Final applaus as seen from our seats.

On terrace of opera house with the view to downtown Sydney.

It was a fantastic performance on a nice evening we'll never forget.

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