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Updated: Jul 31, 2018

Another rider during the RoadBIKE camp in Brixen introduced to me a new innertube his dealer mounted recently on his bike. It is made out of a different material than the usual tubes. It is orange and it is called "Tubolito". The producer claimed that the material would be 2/3 lighter and at the same time double resistant than usual tubes. He told me that he realized a big difference while cycling. I assume it is due to the lighter weight.

One tube weighs 38 gramm (42 mm valve). A total weight difference of 120-130g for a pair of wheels goes along with a price step. Despite the high price of the Tubolito tubes it is still cheap compared to the price of lighter wheels.

I am curious to try the bike with the new tubes and to figure out if I really feel a difference. I keep this article updated with my experiences.

Update 16.06.2018:

Yesterday I did the first ride with the new tubes. The bike felt indeed lighter and faster but also a little bit harder to handle. However, I had a three days rest and the effect of the Brixen camp at the same time.

Did anybody else make experiences with the tubolito? I would be very interested to hear about your impressions cycling with the tubolito. Send it to me.

Update 12.07.2018:

The back wheel tube was loosing pressure. I found a small damage what must have happened during mounting. I tried to fix it twice with the repair kit but it didn't work. The tube was leaking again. I was really carefully mounting it but nevertheless I damaged it. So it seems to be a very sensitive material. If it is not possible to repair then I think the price of 25 Euro is too high.

Update 13.07.2018:

Company responded quick and confirmed that the repair kit should repair the tube not just to get home. But they are constantly improving the repair kit. They offered to send me a new tube as a goodwill gesture. This makes the company very sympathetic as it has been my fault in mounting it.

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